Dr Una Rey completed a BA (in Fine Art) at Charles Darwin University in 1995 and a PhD in 2009 at the University of Newcastle with a research focus on Australian cross-cultural painting practices and regional art histories. Her writing in this area has been recognised for its scholarly rigour and originality. (See Curator and selected examples below).

Dr Rey lectured and tutored in art history at the University of Newcastle between 2008-2021 and from 2016 she held academic leadership roles, supervised post-graduate students and taught full time. She has developed academic material for other Australian universities, and presented regularly at conferences and in guest lecture series, and examined PhD and Masters students.

Dr Rey is an accomplished public speaker and moderator and a Senior Industry Fellow at RMIT School of Art.

Women in the Cross-cultural Studio: invisible tracks in the painter’s archive (2018)

Women’s Business: Cross-cultural collaborations in Remote Indigenous Art Centres (2016) [ANZJA award for best essay, 2017.]

The Grass Ceiling : Painting, Gender and Intercultural Collaboration (2015)

Contact Una for a full academic CV.
